Developed by Carnegie Mellon’s CREATE Lab, the AirBot, the WaterBot and CATTFish are portable pollution detecting devices that gather live localized pollution data and upload the same to the web. The pocket-sized affordable devices rely on compact air and water pollution sensors to track airborne and waterborne pollutants.
The first device, i.e. AirBot
monitors asthma- or related respiratory problems-causing airborne pollutants and particulates. Priced at $99, the particle-counting robot should be available by the next year. Second device, dubbed as WaterBot uploads water pollution data to the web via a ZigBee-installed module. What a user needs to do is dip one end of the device into a water source. The WaterBot collects the data at high frequency, which other types of sensors can’t do. Moreover, a single set of batteries keeps the WaterBot sensors powered up for 12-months.
The CATTFish is designed for testing the water quality in the tank of your toilet. The CATTFish sensors sit inside the tank that take water temperature and conductance reading and shows the same of the display. The readings could assist you know about the overall quality of the water. Users may, later, upload this information to their computers via USB.
Via: Treehugger