Bamboo Paper Products to Decrease Your Environmental Impact

Bamboo Paper Products to Decrease Your Environmental Impact

You might not think of paper products as having a large impact on the planet, but it’s not that they degrade the environment as much as other materials like plastic. They are made from trees, which capture the carbon dioxide in the air and convert it to breathable oxygen. Using less paper products can decrease your impact on the environment by keeping more trees alive. Bamboo is a great alternative because it doesn’t take a lot to grow and is much more sustainable than other trees. Below are bamboo paper products that will help you mitigate the effect you have on our planet.

1. Paper Plates


We all know the feeling. You’re having a lot of people over for dinner and don’t want to take the time to clean up after all of them. You go to the store to buy paper plates and plastic cutlery. But before you do, consider bamboo alternatives. Bamboo paper plates aren’t just more sustainable, they are much more durable. These plates can be reused if you want to, offering a sturdy alternative to paper plates. Think about how much you waste when you throw them away after every use. While it’s an option to chuck the bamboo plates right away, you can also save them. The same goes for bamboo cutlery, which is a great alternative to the plastic ones.

2. Toilet Paper

Think about how much toilet paper you buy every year. How much do you use on a daily basis? It starts to add up. Bamboo toilet paper isn’t just more environmentally-friendly, it is stronger and more durable. You will use less toilet paper when you go to the bathroom, saving you money and helping you lower the amount of trees that are cut down for your toilet paper every year. Don’t worry, bamboo toilet paper is just as soft. It can even be made into pillows. That’s one thing that is great about bamboo, it can be molded into every type of surface and every type of product.

3. Paper Towels

Paper Towels

In the United States we have some sort of fixation with paper towels. A great alternative to the usual standard are bamboo paper towels. You will be able to tear off less sheets when you are cleaning something up, helping you save more paper and money. This product is great because bamboo is very strong and provides a great way to clean up the messes around the house. It will be less impactful on the planet and easier to cut down with bamboo paper towels.

4. Napkins

Why stop there? Bamboo can be made into just about any other paper product you can think of. Bamboo napkins offer a thick and durable way to wipe off your face and hands when you’re eating or drinking. Like paper towels, we already use too many napkins but this can be facilitated by bamboo alternatives. They are thicker, more durable, and more absorbent than paper napkins.

5. Cotton Paper Products


Like bamboo pillows, the material can be a substitute for cotton. There’s no wonder that bamboo is a great alternative for cotton facial tissues. Great for sensitive skin and stronger than your average tissue, this alternative is a great option. Another product that makes bamboo a substitute for cotton are makeup removers. These bamboo rounds can be reused and washed, making for a great way to cut down on the cotton balls typically used to remove make-up. Bamboo rounds are much less wasteful and act as a great alternative to clean your face off and remove cosmetic products.

As you can tell by now, bamboo is a versatile and amazing plant that can be used to mitigate our environmental woes. While some of these products might be more expensive, they will save you enough to make them a worth investment. Furthermore, you will be pushing the economy in the right direction with your purchase.

Awareness will spread and bamboo will become more popular. Why not get started today to decrease the amount of impact that using regular paper products has on our world? With so much carbon in the atmosphere warming the planet, we need all the trees we can get to take carbon dioxide and turn it into clean air.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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