4 Everyday Products You Should Swap for Eco-Friendly Alternatives

Swap for Eco-Friendly Alternatives

Environmental issues have been appearing in the news much more frequently in recent years. It would be wonderful if all this increased coverage was indicative of better education and awareness, and some of it definitely is. But a big part of why the climate emergency is now so prominently in the news is because some of its impacts are becoming manifest.

It’s all very well to talk about global warming in the abstract, speculating about effects that may present themselves in a matter of decades. But those discussions will never have the urgency or immediacy as those about how things are now, not how they will be in the future.

We all need to do our bit to combat climate change if we are to have any hope of even putting a dent in its effects. Making just a few minor changes to our lifestyles enables us all to do our bit for the planet. For example, did you know that you can even find ethical alternatives to the web browser, search engine or email service you use? Companies like Ecosia use any profit they make from searches to plant trees all over the world, and Posteo is powered by 100% green electricity.

As well as changing the web browser that you use, here are just some of the everyday products that you can find in a much greener form.

Plastic Grocery Bags

Plastic Grocery BagsThe amount of plastic that we generate just by being consumers is astronomical. Plastic grocery bags aren’t as common in the US as they are in Europe – many places in the US use paper bags. However, even a paper bag isn’t ideal, not when you can get a good quality fabric bag that will last you for life.

Plastic-Handled Brushes

Plastic is a very versatile material, that’s why we see it everywhere. The versatility of plastic can be seen in the myriad forms that it comes in. Some forms of plastic are biodegradable, but many are persistent and can cause significant environmental harm.

However, from hairbrushes to toothbrushes, there are now a growing number of products that utilize bamboo as a material in place of plastic.

Disposable Razors

Disposable RazorsWhen you need a new razor, it can be hard to bring yourself to spend more than $10 when there’s a whole bag of disposable razors on the next shelf for half the price. But disposable razors are horrendous for the environment. They might not cost the consumer very much to purchase, but their cumulative environmental impact is profound. Instead, buy yourself a decent razor that will last.

Cleaning Chemicals

If you have ever decided to give your kitchen a good and thorough clean after years of neglect, you will inevitably find long-forgotten corners that are now home to an entirely new species of mold and bacteria. No self-respecting homeowner can come across such a thing and not instantly reach for the strongest cleaning fluid that they have.

But oftentimes, this is complete overkill. Many of the most common stains and dirt that you find in your home can be cleaned using relatively weak but still just as effective natural alternatives. There are now plenty of organic and environmentally friendly cleaning products.

If you are looking for some simple things that you can do to contribute to the fight against the climate emergency, making a few minor lifestyle changes is a good start. Buying eco-friendly alternatives to some of your everyday purchases is a great way of doing your bit without having to make any dramatic changes.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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