Remote working, homeschooling, and in-home businesses are all increasing according to national polling and apparent trends. How many of you have changed your work/home relationship in the last 5 years? Global numbers of remote workers are increasing.
More than 20% of all education is taught remotely. More than 25% of all energy and utilities jobs are performed from home. In the engineering, science, finance, and insurance sectors, over 40% work remotely. Over 50% of agencies and consultancies, as well as, +65% of all technology positions are remote.
This reduces a lot of stress on businesses’ infrastructure needs and places them on you. Making the switch to working from home or remotely, on a beach in the tropics, comes with some sacrifices and changes. In the next few minutes, we will rapidly touch base on areas of concern regarding the eco-responsibilities of working from a home office.
- Large companies have logistics departments to ship and receive all packages.
- At home, you will want to start with eco friendly shipping labels you can print from your computer. On-demand shipping from your home or remote location is vital, and companies know how to find efficiencies in all divisions, even packaging.
- You already have an outsourced recycling contract with your local municipality. Residents who have the correct bins will have recycling collected.
- If your residential last power bill was high, check back after working an entire month from home. I guarantee you will be looking into energy-efficient office equipment.
- You can claim 67 cents per hour worked from home using the fixed rate method, for electricity, gas, phone, internet, stationary, printing consumables, and running expenses.
- A bonus to working from home is the choice of decor. You can set your office up as revitalizing, tranquil, and energetic, not corporate grey. Include some plants to support that fresh energy. Watch your spending and check for any tax incentives for possible home improvements related to your work.
- The social responsibilities can be emulated at home with eco-responsible cleaners.
- Keep your thermostat set to a reasonable setting. It was off all day while you were at work before.
- How many times do you fill up your water each day at work? Coffee? Better plan for more clean water.
- Print responsibly. Review. Review. Review. Consider outsourcing larger print jobs based on which is more eco-friendly.
There are advantages and disadvantages to remote working. Distractions, scheduling, extra costs on the home, and bringing work into your living space can all cause stress. Be aware of your sensitivities and set yourself up for success.
- The time and fuel saved by not driving are a financial boon. How much would you save not driving to work each month?
- Not driving to work 3 days a week would reduce your carbon footprint by +25%.
- Being in your home is close to home and family. If you are a new parent, working from home is a perfect scenario.
Our government budget shows their plans for reaching zero carbon emissions by 2050. An efficient society relies upon its users more than suppliers and regulators. We hold the bulk of the burden for usage.
Find a beach and open your laptop, or plan your transition with your wallet and the environment in mind.
Article Submitted By Community Writer