At the risk of sounding alarmist, the science is pretty clear. Our atmosphere has passed the point of no return. It will always, unless there are some significant and dramatic changes in our lifestyles, have too much carbon in it.
The good news is that there are small steps each one of us can take every day to help change the human impact – steps that don’t have to bankrupt you or force you to shoulder a mountain of debt. Here are a few of them.
Change your bed
A lot of traditional mattresses are made with environmentally harmful petrochemicals so if you’re due for an upgrade, switch to a natural mattress. There are a bunch of them to choose from and some of them, according to this Essentia mattress review, are modeled after and mimic the feel of microfiber and other types of mattresses. Natural mattresses aren’t just made from natural materials; they are made in sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing units, so every part of the bed upgrade is environmentally sound.
The other side of this is that in addition to upgrading to a natural and eco-friendly mattress, you need to dispose of your old mattress in the greenest way possible. The simplest way to do this is to repurpose your old mattress to a guest room or hand it down to someone else. Sites like Rooster, Next Door, Freecycle, etc are great places to get rid of your old stuff without having to throw them away. Plus, you’ll be helping a family in need and that always feels good.
Plant-based diets
According to a US News article, one of the best steps you can take is the transition from an omnivorous diet to an herbivorous alternative. The good news is that this doesn’t require you to make any appliance upgrades. The better news is that this transition allows you to upgrade – ecologically speaking, your waste disposal system.
We’re talking, of course, about composting. Any non-meat based organic matter can be tossed onto a compost pile and left to decompose safely. This means that, if you are switching to a plant-based diet, every part of your meal can be composted. No more tossing leftovers into the trash. This change will dramatically reduce the amount of waste your home generates and will give you a safe and eco-friendly way to landscape your yard.
Learn to sew
Adding a sewing machine to your home is absolutely a worthy expense, especially if you are hoping to reduce your carbon footprint and the amount of waste generated in your home.
Making your own clothing is definitely one of the ways that having your own sewing machine can be helpful. It is also helpful in that it provides you with a great tool for repurposing and reusing old fabric based items in your home. Old bed linens can be repurposed into curtains, tablecloths, furniture covers, even toys, etc. You can turn old t-shirts into napkins. And you can harvest old worn out jeans for the still usable denim which can be repurposed into patches to extend the life of other clothing items.
Stop using disposables
Most of the things we use are built to be disposable. Computers are built to wear out in a couple of years. Razors are meant to be used once and thrown away. A great way to reduce your family’s waste is to stop treating the items you buy as if they are automatically disposable. For example, opt for a computer you can modify as parts wear out instead of one that will force you to buy a whole new model. Use the razors more than once. Buy furniture that is built to last. Yes, some of these choices might cost you more now but they will save money in the long run and reduce your household waste exponentially.
So many people think about reducing energy but it is important to remember that saving the environment is also about reducing waste. Use these tips to help you accomplish that goal.
Article Submitted By Community Writer