While planning your eco themed wedding, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Your wedding gown, guests, address labels
on invites or the bridal makeup? Well, if you wish to make your wedding greener than you’d have probably thought, eco friendly invites should be on your priority list as well. Just to help you out, creatives at the Pennsylvania-based Anticipate Invitations have come up with Eco Invites – beautiful invitation cards crafted from oak wood veneer.
Made from actual wood, the cards flaunt text and design details carved on timber just to avoid any use on chemical inks. Moreover, these wooden invitation cards could help save millions of trees which are cut “to create a piece of paper.” Aside from laying your hands on these eco-fabulous wood veneer invites, you would love other custom, eco friendly options lined up for your perusal at Anticipate Invitations.