After rejecting the U.N.’s Kyoto Protocol, Washington and Australia want to limit warming by alternate methods – technology. To promote technology like “clean coal” or ways to bury heat-trapping gases, the two rich nations will team up with China, India, Japan and South Korea.
Washington will brandish this faith in technology with the launch of a six-nation climate pact in Australia on Wednesday. But according to critics, it looks half-hearted without tough targets or incentives.
But, some Kyoto backers reckon President George W. Bush trusts too much in clean technology breakthroughs, and that it might never come or even be sufficient if they do.
“We welcome (technology pacts) as part of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but they won’t do the trick,” a European Commission spokeswoman said of the six-nation plan, to be launched in Sydney on Wednesday and Thursday.
Via: Reuters