Fused together in sexual union and that too for 65 million years! Scientists in India say they have discovered two such fossils. The Press Trust of India news agency reports that it was the first time that sexual copulation had been discovered in a fossil state. The findings were published in the October edition of the Indian journal “Current Science”. But, they are no humans, but tiny swarm cells, a stage in the development of the fungus myxomycetes, also known as slime molds. Thus, voyeurs will need a microscope to view the eternal lovers. The cells were discovered in a 30-foot deep dry well in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The cells reproduce by fusing. Once the cells fuse, long, threadlike appendages known as flagella, is lost, explains Ranjeet Kar of the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany in Lucknow. The fossils were found in a fused position and their flagella were shedded. These findings show that the two cells were having sex.
Via: Yahoo News
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