Protect Soil By Farmland Water Conservancy Facilities

For agricultural countries, the soil is the most important resource. For Taiwan too, the soil is the origin of its industrial power. Through time Taiwan’s farmers learned how to maximize the use of their land to yield high productivity. Here, farmland water conservancy is very important. To help decrease harming the nature and keeping never-ending development sustained, the COA promotes the planning, design, construction and maintenance of ecologically sound farmlands. Agriculture, as the foundation of Taiwan’s industry plays three important roles: a producer of fruits and vegetables, livelihood for farm workers and a provider of ecological balance. In 2002, the COA started to promote a three-year program called “Model for the Study and Experimentation of Ecological Protection, Irrigation and Drainage Systems.” The Program defines various ways to ensure the successful construction of water conservancy systems. Hope it will create a paradigm for other countries with rich soil resources.

Via: Taiwan News

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