Can we call this a recuperation of the cumulative tortures, we threw to the Nature? Stresses from polluted rivers to invasive species is threatening to trigger an ecological breakdown in the Great Lakes, a group of scientists hoping to sway U.S. environmental policy said on Thursday. It was in 2004; U.S. President George W. Bush requested to preserve the Great Lakes. But, it is only recently a task force comprising federal agencies, Congress, local government officials and regional Indian tribes is scheduled to release its much-anticipated final plan.
To upgrade antiquated municipal sewer systems, restore 500,000 acres of wetlands, clean polluted harbors and bays, and pay for other efforts, the body’s preliminary report in July recommended $20 billion in federal, state and private funding over 15 years. More than 30 million people rely on the Great Lakes for drinking water, and large-scale diversions to far-off states or countries have been forbidden. Scientists who worked on the report informed, threats to the Great Lakes are converging.
Via: Reuters, The London Free Press