The Earth is entering a “fever” phase! That is what a leading scientist claims as he writes that climate change will kill billions of people this century. In the “Gaia Theory”, the Earth is a self-regulating organism, James Lovelock propounded this. Civilization is now unlikely to survive, as the world has already passed the point of no return for climate change.
The tropical temperature is feared to rise by 5C (8F). The U.S. and European temperatures will too have no mercy. Temperatures there are now expected to rise 8C (15F) faster than anticipated in current UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports. And it needs no mention that the impacts will be cataclysmic!
“Over the coming decades soaring temperatures will mean agriculture may become unviable over huge areas of the world… water supplies for millions or even billions may fail. Rising sea levels will destroy substantial coastal areas… Numberless environmental refugees will overwhelm the capacity… to cope, while modern urban infrastructure will face devastation from powerful extreme weather events…”
Via: Climate Ark