Climate change is a “serious” risk to poverty reduction. It also threatens to undo decades of development. This is what Thoko Didiza, the Agriculture and Land Affairs Minister annotates. Increased droughts with higher temperatures in South Africa could have a serious impact on the availability of food. The vulnerable nation with variable climate is sensitive to climate change, as farming depends entirely on the rainy season’s quality.
It is feared that climate change can adversely affect planning the use of land, level and consistency of agricultural yield, cost of production, sowing and harvesting, irrigation needs, transportation, storage, pests and diseases. Climate change, in such vulnerable conditions also affects marketing, farm management, food security and other socio-economic indicators, Didiza added. Drought, to add to the retardation of developments, also negatively affects national economies and reduces the country’s ability to export crops and generate foreign currency. The prevailing climate in South Africa can be blamed for food insecurities.
Via: All Africa