Knowing the fact that our lifestyle highly affects our environment, it is in our hands to make or break it. Whether it is food or clothes, everything affects our environment. Following fad items, created from manmade fibers, we are creating pollution, as the production involves fossil fuels. Using fast fad, we are just spoiling our nature.
Thankfully, there are alternatives to fad fashion. Using eco friendly clothes made of natural fibers, we can save our planet from pollution. Instead of relying on pesticides and harsh chemicals to process fabrics, eco friendly clothing manufacturers choose natural fibers that require every little processing.
Just as people have choice of selecting between organic and fast food, they also have a choice of choosing from fast fads and eco friendly clothing. As many people are going green, eco friendly garments are getting popular.
Pollinator Frocks
Adverse activities undertaken by humans impact is decreasing population of bees, moths, and butterflies at an alarming rate. Feeling the urgency to safeguard these insects, it has given rise to Pollination Frocks. Pollination Frocks helps in improving the food system for these insects to prevent any break in food cycle.
Pollination Frocks contain sugar like nectar that attracts bees, moths, and other insects. Microscopists, biologists, scientists, and engineers have worked hard to create these frocks. Moreover, several dresses are designed to suit different occasion. Daywear to attract bees and night wear for moths.
Diamond shaped layering of scraps
For creating this creative dress, the makers have used snakes skin and waste wooden pieces. Cutting the wood into diamond shaped pieces, and layer it on the scale of the snake. With diamond shaped dress, you are not just utilizing the scraps and reptile skin, but making beautiful and stylish dresses like corset, trousers, and long gowns. Moreover, it is a good way to make use of waste material like wood and reptiles skin. Dresses being very inspired by nature and Biomimicry, it has no side effects on our nature.
Bicycle tire dress
Using recycled bicycle tubes, this is cut and designed this way so that these tubes can be filled with water. Tubes are filled with water so that the flowers attached over the dress gets their nourishment regularly. By filling the tubes with water, you are providing the food to the flowers. Moreover, you can choose the direction, where your flowers must face. With this dress, you are able to shift look of the dress.
Banana fiber hat
Wearing hat to avoid heat is common. When going to buy a new hat for you, choosing an eco friendly hat, you are protecting the environment. Looking at banana fiber hat, you will see the perfect use of banana fiber. The hat is simple yet cool and helps avoid sunlight in summers. Moreover, hat being eco friendly and inspired by nature, it does not adversely affect the environment. Simply designed, makers have used knots to create this hat from start until end.
As our lifestyle majorly affects our environment, we must try to avoid such activities affecting the nature adversely. Adopting eco friendly activities can save the environment from being polluted.
When choosing garments for ourselves, choosing eco friendly over others can help in reducing the effect on environment, as eco friendly garments are made of natural material. Saving the environment will automatically save you from the harmful effects of global warming.