A Guide to Hiring A Licensed Pest Exterminator

Hiring A Licensed Pest Exterminator

How Do You Hire A Pest Controller?

Whether you are suffering from cockroaches, locusts, or any other biblical plagues, you are going to need to hire a pest exterminator to deal with that problem. The thing is that nobody wants to get lost in bureaucracy when looking to solve their pest problem. Especially in Queensland, where licenses can get so complex.

So, how do you hire a licensed pest exterminator? How do you tell who is able and allowed to do the job? How do you even know the rules surrounding these things? These guys are spraying poison in people’s homes, after all. They better have a at least passed a test to know how to do that safely.

It can be a daunting process to hire someone for such a task. So, here is a step-by-step guide on how to hire a licensed pest exterminator that will be sure to get the job done.

Step 1: Knowing the Problem Before you Solve It

The first step to getting a good pest exterminator is not calling them until you know why you are calling them. Sure, it is easy to know that you should call a pest exterminator. But how do you know who to call?

How do you know what to say once you do call? There are just as many overconfident people as there are shy people tackling this problem. In both cases, they run into the same obstacle: Not knowing enough.

The Experts at Pro Pest Control are looking for three things in a job : What they are exterminating, where it is, and how it is to be done. The last question is more for them than for you, but you can help with it by knowing how much they need to be prepared to exterminate.

It is pretty easy to figure out what pest controllers need to be exterminating. You likely already know, whether it is cockroaches, rats, termites, bed bugs… If any of these lifeforms were good at hiding, you would not be reading this article right now, much less contemplating paying someone to take the “life” out of “lifeforms”.

Where those pests are is sometimes more challenging. Luckily, if you know what you are looking for, many pest exterminators will know how to find them even if you do not. You do not need to be able to point to the rat’s hole or the cockroach’s nest. You just need to remember where you have seen the pests.

When it comes to how much the exterminator needs to eliminate, that is a matter of how frequently and how obtrusively you run into the pests in question. Is it once a day? Once a week? Do you wake up with rats in your shoes and spiders eating all your cheesecake when you specifically told them you were saving it for later?

Answer these questions and you will be able to better find and communicate with your pest exterminator.

Step 2: Knowing the Licenses (at Least a Little)

Pest Controller

It should be stated for you right out of the gate: You are not obligated to know everything about your pest exterminator’s licenses right out of the gate. That is their job, and if they want your money they have to be ready to volunteer the information they have on their licenses and when, where, and how they got them.

Some pest control businesses do not need a license to operate. Instead, the licenses are offset onto the operation of specific pest control methods. In short, rather than needing a license to kill things in general, pest exterminators need a license to kill things with specific tools.

They also need licenses to kill specific things. Specifically, they need licenses to get rid either or both “timber pests” and “non-timber pests”. A timber pest is a type of bug that feeds on wood. A special license is needed for killing them due to the damage one can cause in the extermination of the bugs.

Step 3: Contacting the Exterminator

This is where many people lean back in their chair, let out a sigh, and say, “Alright, that sounds complicated.” But it really isn’t. Imagine this conversation between you and a possible exterminator:

You call them and say, “I’d like to hire an exterminator, please.”

They will likely respond by asking, “What do you need exterminated?”

To which you will answer, “I have termites that I can see regularly.”

The conversation will go one of two ways. They will either give you a quote on how much it will cost to deal with that. On the other hand, they will ask you how you want the termites dealt with. If they give you a quote, it means they are likely licensed to do the work. If the quote seems too high however, you can ask them if they are licensed.

You can say, “That quote seems a little high. Are you licensed to exterminate timber pests?” This will let them know that you know what you are talking about. That will almost always lower your price. It will also get them into a position where they are obligated to tell you whether or not they are licensed.

If they ask you how you want the termites dealt with, you can show-  them that you know what you are talking about before money is even discussed. Ask them, “What are you licensed to use?” That way you, again, put them into a position where they have to tell you their licenses.

Why is it so important to get them to tell you their licenses? And Are they obligated to do it? Well, the government will actually cold-call startup businesses looking to see if they are representing their licenses honestly. This keeps businesses scared of being caught lying by a government official. 


Hiring an exterminator is nobody’s favorite chore. But it is an essential one. This is actually why so many rules exist around it. Remember these rules, what to say, and both how to represent yourself and how the businesses are obligated to represent themselves. That way, you can get what you need.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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