How To Make Your Business Eco-Friendlier In 2022 And Beyond

Make Your Business Eco-Friendlier In 2022 And Beyond

We all have to do our part to protect the environment. If all of us do whatever we can, no matter how small the impact, then we can greatly influence the environment when those efforts are combined. Businesses understandably have a larger negative impact on the environment compared to individuals. However, that also means that these businesses can make a much larger difference too. If you’re searching for ways in which you can make your business more eco-friendly today, then try some of the ideas below. 

1.   Source Sustainable Items

One of the first things you’ll want to think about when trying to run your business in an eco-conscious manner is the items and products you’re using. This can be everything from the resources you use to create your products or simply the items that your procurement team brings into your office for the day-to-day operations of your business. Sustainable cleaning and hygiene supplies, for example, with containers that are made from recycled and recyclable plastic, recycled hand towels, and products that aren’t harmful to the environment, are all key things to consider when stocking up.

2.   Allow Remote Working

Woman working with laptop on vacation

Providing your team with the opportunity to work from home can be hugely beneficial to your business in a number of ways. It can raise morale and even boost the productivity of certain individuals. It can also be a great way to reduce your company’s impact on the environment. Running an office space can be very demanding in terms of energy usage. Not only can it save you some money by not having to pay for the rent and bills of an office, but it will also reduce your direct impact on the environment.

3.   Use Second Hand Furniture

There are plenty of great second-hand items available from charity shops or being sold or given away by others, making it somewhat unnecessary to buy brand new furniture today. Of course, you can’t always find the items of furniture you want or need, but it’s always worth looking for these second-hand items as this is an active approach to reducing waste. A lot of unwanted furniture eventually ends up in landfills, unable to be broken down or reused by others. Taking a direct approach to reducing this waste by making use of this second-hand furniture is a great way to be more eco-friendly today. You should consider donating your old furniture instead of throwing it away so that you’re not contributing to this issue either.

4.   Educate Your Team

educating the team

A lot can be done for the environment by simply educating your team on what they can do to reduce energy usage as well as their waste. Make it clear to your team that you are increasing your company’s focus on sustainability and consider holding workshops on how everyone can do their bit to help the environment when at work. You could also consider hiring a sustainability manager or even train one of your current team members to fit this role. You could even sponsor someone in your team to study one of the University of Stirling’s environmental science subjects, such as a postgraduate degree in environmental management or a similar course. This sort of knowledge is going to continue to be useful, and this investment in education can really benefit your business in the coming years.

5.   Follow The Three R’s

We’ve all heard about reuse, reduce, and recycle. Putting these into practice in a work environment might seem complicated, but you and your team really need to keep these three R’s in mind as one of your company’s tenets. Supply the tools necessary for your team to stick to these, such as clear recycling stations, and then ensure that they have access to sustainable equipment and resources within the workplace. Reusing old items like folders and ring binders and using rechargeable batteries and other reusable items like plates and cutlery in the kitchen area will help reduce waste. There are many things you can do here, and it’s worth asking your team for input in case they notice anything you could all be doing better.

6.   Offset Your Carbon Footprint

How To Make Your Business Eco-Friendlier In 2022 And Beyond

Reducing your negative impact on the environment can only go so far. At some point, you’ll practically have done everything you can and will still have a carbon footprint based on deliveries, commuting, the energy usage of your team, whether in the office or at home and even a level of waste from things that can’t be recycled or reused. You can find ways to offset these things, however, by getting involved in carbon offsetting projects. Essentially, your business can invest in certain carbon offset projects around the world which protect and preserve the environment, such as companies that plant trees or remove plastic from the ocean. This will essentially counteract the remaining negative impact your business has on the environment, bringing you to net-zero emissions. 

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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