Abyssmal hankering for economy is leading fishermen to rake giant nets across the ocean floor to maximize their catch. But, in the process, they are destroying unique and unexplored ecological systems. Is it that, they are unaware or just damn these devastating effects for money’s sake?
Mostly the later one! So, the solution is not awareness — but ban!
According to a U.N. draft environmental report, it is over half of the underwater mountain and coral ecosystems in the world that are located beyond national boundaries. Bottom trawling – the damaging practice – is leaving them unregulated and vulnerable.
According to the report,
* Trawling nets shatter coral
* They churn up clouds of sediment smothering sea life
* The underwater mountains are damaged to the worst
* The home to thousands of coral and fish species get damaged severely
* Some of these species, still unidentified by scientists, also get killed
Alex Rogers, one of the study’s authors said,
In the case of deep-sea trawling it is, therefore, essential that the burden of proof shifts to governments and fisheries when deciding whether it is appropriate to exploit these irreplaceable ecosystems.
Following the report, scientists have called for a worldwide ban on deep-sea trawling. Though, the U.N. delegates are scheduled to discuss a moratorium on bottom trawling next month in New York, the General Assembly has already passed a nonbinding resolution in 2004 – which urged all nations to consider temporary bans on trawling.
The nations including Spain, Japan and Iceland, whose fleets do much of the world’s trawling oppose a broader moratorium. But, the study will arm the countries calling for a moratorium on the indiscriminate fishing practice on the high seas.