Blame global warming for those weakening air currents in parts of the Pacific region. And this is contributing hugely to an increase in rain all over this region. With this vast system of air currents weakening, the Pacific trade winds are getting fueled, giving rise to El Nino-like weather patterns, Gabriel Vecchi from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration informed.
It is from this pattern, countries like Kiribati and the Marshall Islands may witness more rain. Mr Vecchi explains it this way – ‘the wind system brings moisture from east to west, which is collected from the Pacific Ocean and it is where it precipitates as it rises.’
This changing pattern can also affect marine life, as the slowdown in ocean currents may cut down on ocean circulation. And it is this circulation that brings nutrients to the surface for the marine life to feed on. This in turn could impact fishing in the Pacific.
Via: radionz