Australia Can Burn Daylight with Solar Installation

Australia Can Burn Daylight with Solar Installation

The energy that radiates from our Sun and hits the earth’s surface every 90 minutes is enough to power all homes, cars, industry, and every piece of powered equipment or device we use for one year. Our limitations are in capture and storage technologies. As that tech advances, more companies and people consider adding solar into their electricity game plan.

Why Solar Power?

We cannot change the spatial relationship between the Sun and Earth. The angle of the Sun is what it is. We also cannot change when clouds form, or rain falls…. can we?  Let us focus on what we CAN do with solar right now.

Daily home electricity consumption ranges from 33-54kWh. A 20-panel solar system will collect 6-8kW per hour. You can expect an average of 7 hours of sun exposure, with 4-5 hours of peek exposure. Run the math on that, and you get a range of 24-40kWh. If you have the right system and manage your power responsibly, you can run your entire house with solar today. Remember, those technologies are only getting better.

What to Look for in a Solar Energy Firm?

Cutting-edge technology from any sector will be a premium. You will want to discover a company with buying power, experience, and a good track record of installing the type of system you will need. RenewCO Solar has 15 years of experience and installs over 700 systems annually in Australia. Contact them for a solar assessment and quote.

How Good are Solar Panels?

The average life span for solar panels is 25-30 years. In 6-7 years, you can see the return on your system investment. Solar is an environmentally and financially responsible alternative in the energy sector. Electric appliances have made homes more EFFICIENT than gas, and solar is no different. Rather than fund the electric company, you start to pay yourself.

Is a Solar Panel System Expensive?

A solar system is still a significant up-front investment, and banks see it as such. This home improvement could be rolled into a mortgage and spread your payments. Some large installation companies offer internal financing as well. The Australian government recognizes the environmental and power grid benefits of solar electricity. They provide loans and rebates on solar systems.

The construction industry has seen the value and made breakthroughs in adapting solar power into specific processes with significantly positive environmental impact and expense reduction. Entire solar power factories have been cranking out power in recent years. There are even solar sails available for sailboats.

For example, if you construct a 15m solar sailing catamaran 10 years ago for a customer. After operating in a salt-water environment for a decade the system was operating well. Installing new technology batteries resulted in a 50% weight reduction, 25% space reduction, and 100% increase in range in complete darkness. Your home system can do much more.

Call a professional. Get a solar consultation. Then try to debate with yourself why you have not done this already.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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