2005: Bloggers' Top 7 Perspectives on the Days that Shook the Earth

earthquake devastationHuman beings are never prepared for natural disasters. There is a kind of optimism built into our species that seems to prefer to live in the comfortable present rather than confront the possibility of destruction. The year is bidding us good bye with all the assaults the nature’s fury has given it. Let us look back to find its injuries.

The Primate Journal‘s article ‘Text Alerts Give Warning For Earthquakes’ let us be optimistic with Japan’s Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry’s plans to develop a new emergency-broadcast system capable of automatically turning on cell phones, so it can send a warning alarm and information to them in case of a major earthquake or other natural disaster.

Fjords Norway‘s article ‘Plate Tectonics, the Cause of Earthquakes’ elaborately studies maps showing location of the tectonic plates of the Earth and also more info on how these maps are calculated. It also provides for other www-sites with plate tectonic information.

Informing on the under ocean tremors that led to Tsunami, in ‘Tsunami warning system in Indonesia’, All Asia says it doesn’t look much like an escape route yet. It explains the path between two plots of property on Indonesia’s tsunami-wrecked coastline well. But, pointing to the slow pace of progress in some areas in the year since the Dec. 26 quake, it comments that the progress still exists only on paper.

The path between two plots of property on Indonesia’s tsunami-wrecked coastline is strewn with smashed masonry and is blocked by a pond. The planned escape route in the Indonesian town of Banda Aceh represents the low-tech end of a sophisticated network of seismic monitoring, satellite communications and underwater sensors that is meant to give early warning in case of another tsunami.

But it still exists only on paper, pointing to the slow pace of progress in some areas in the year since the Dec. 26 quake and tsunami left 216,000 dead and missing around the Indian Ocean rim.

In the ‘Major Disasters and the Good Samaritan Problem’, the Becker Posner Blog declared that the loss in life and property makes the Hurricane Katrina, one of the worst natural disasters in American history.

He says that this experience has left many wondering whether the world is facing much more erratic and violent weather, possibly due to global warming.

April 8th, this year marks a big day in the science of earthquake prediction. Brother Jonathan Digest Archives declares this as it guides on HOW TO PREDICT EARTHQUAKES — Where To Look. It explained-

On Friday there will be an eclipse of the sun. Both the sun and the moon will be lined up and in the same place in the sky. Their combined gravitational pulls will produce a large tide in the oceans, along with a smaller tidal rise in the crust of the earth. Will that tidal rise cause a large earthquake?

INCREDIBLE FUKN.US lists the major earthquakes around the world in last 50 years, in the article Major World Earthquakes. Just scan through it and find all the major cataclysms that shook the globe across the last 50 years.

Off-Grid-Living‘s article Bird Flue & Earthquakes announces about the BroJon Gazette editions’ discussion on the recent spate of horror stories about Bird Flu and worldwide pandemics, leading to possible martial law and quarantine camps. It also says that the camps has resulted in many Internet surfers desperately looking for answers and running into the BroJon articles about SARS and Flu Fever.

Major Earthquakes around the World, 2005

On Feb. 5 — in Celebes Sea with a Magnitude of 7.1
On March 2 — in Banda Sea with a Magnitude of 7.1
On March 28 — in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia with A Magnitude of 8.7
On June 13 — in Tarapaca, Chile with a Magnitude of 7.8
On June 15 — in the Off-coast of northern California with A Magnitude of 7.2
On July 24 — in Nicobar Islands, India with a Magnitude of 7.3
On Aug. 16 — in Near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan with a Magnitude of 7.2
On Sept. 9 — in New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea with a Magnitude of 7.7
On Sept. 26 — in Northern Peru with a Magnitude of 7.5
On Oct. 8 — in Pakistan with a Magnitude of 7.6
On Nov. 14 — in Off-coast of Honshu, Japan with A Magnitude of 7.0

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