What is Killing All Those Whales?… Scientists Still Pondering

dead whale

It was last month; eight dead whales were found washed ashore along the Sea of Cortez. But, what is the mystery behind this death? Mexican authorities are investigating this mystery. The death was an unusually large number, suggesting someone or something is killing them off.

According to biologists, the whales come from several plankton-eating species and they apparently died at sea in November and December. But, the mystery arises from the fact that they do not show any signs of having been caught in long-line fishing nets, which sometimes suffocate the mammoth animals. Neither have the biologists found any signs of a toxic spill or outbreak of disease that would account for their deaths!

Luis Fueyo, an assistant federal prosecutor for environmental crimes, who is overseeing the investigation says, “Right now it’s a mystery… We have a puzzle.”

Via: New York Times

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