Ecological effects of Skiing in Alpine habitats

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The frequent diminishing of snowfall in the lower reaches of Alpine mountains has impelled ski lovers to mount high ranges for winter sports and develop new ski resorts. But the practice has been frightening the lives of already endangered bird species. A study carried out by a team of ecologists reveals that increasing human influx in the region has declined the number of birds as compared to the natural grasslands. Study further states that the human encroachment at lower levels rehabilitated the flora and fauna to the treeless areas at high altitudes.

Antonio Rolando, from the University of Turin, said:

Winter sports represent a potentially serious threat to the conservation of wildlife habitat in the Alps. More than one quarter of the 33 species in this study, including the rock partridge, red-billed chough and wheatear, are classified as species of European conservation concern.

Tests conducted on the three types of habitats, which conclude that recently constructed ski runs, grasslands near to ski runs, and habitats are far away from any slopes have been found with significant differences among each others. Notably, this year due to the inadequate snow at many ski resorts the winter games had to be postponed. The ecologists fear, if the climate goes on fermenting then very soon many ski resorts may turn worthless or desolated.

Climate change is constantly alarming us to stop mistreating nature but we are turning a blind eye to this warning. I don’t know why we are so brutal towards environment in spite of full awareness that this carelessness is bound to draw out our doom.

Via: BBC

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