What Are the Advantages of Going Green for Your Company?


Ultimately, the main goal of going green should be to reduce the impact of our activities on the ecosystem. With that being said, there is a huge movement towards more eco-friendliness and sustainability, and going green is becoming more and more of a necessity. It is also a great way to separate your brand from the rest and it can have a beneficial impact on your bottom line. Here are some of the other benefits of going green for any company.

Improves Brand Image and Public Relations

brand image

As you may already know, brand image is everything if you want to establish trust with your audience. And by going green, you can access a wide likeminded audience that also sees the environment as a priority. These clients tend to be very picky and will often simply refuse to work with companies who use poor environmental practices.

Not only that but companies that have a particularly bad track record have the tendency to attract very bad publicity for themselves. Going green ensures that you won’t have to suffer the ire of environmental groups. Something as simple as adopting clean reusable packaging materials can be enough to turn your image around. You could start by investing in insulated cooler bags wholesale that are clearly branded and that you’ll also be able to use for promotion as well.

Reduce Costs

Not only is going green a great way to reduce the impact your company has on the environment, it can also translate into huge savings, especially when it comes to energy. Energy is one of the biggest concerns for companies, and being able to significantly reduce energy needs can be a major plus. According to a report by MSNBC, DuPont, the famous paint manufacturer, was able to reduce their energy costs by over 3 billion since it introduced its plans to cut carbon emissions. Smaller businesses also can reap the benefits of going green by doing simple things like shutting down computers when they are not in use and using smart lights for instance.

Cleaner and Healthier Workplace


Another way going green affects your company is in your workforce. Harmful chemicals can lead to a whole host of health disorders, especially for workers who come in contact with them every day. As a matter of fact, it has been estimated that companies that focus on a healthy workplace have been able to reduce their total sick days by as much as 20%. So not only is going green a great way to protect the environment, it can positively impact your company’s productivity.

Tax Credits

Last, but not least, there is an increasing number of tax credits that are available for companies that use eco-friendly practices. Much of these credits have been introduced as part of the Stimulus package in 2009 and they reward companies that use sustainable energy sources like solar panels or replace their vehicle fleet with hybrid or electric vehicles for instance.

As you can see, there are tons of great benefits to going green for any company. So, if you still feel like you could do more to make your company greener and more sustainable, make sure that you don’t hesitate and start implementing eco-friendly strategies today.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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