Save the ozone layer and water with alternatives to nitrate use as fertilizer

ammonium nitrate fertiliser

Increase in agricultural production means increased use of nitrates as a nitrogenated fertilizer. And use of this through ages has given rise to environmental problems such as water contamination or even ozone layer degradation.

To find a solution to this, and to develop sustainable agricultural production, a study of alternative nitrogenated sources to the nitrates is needed. And this should predominate in agricultural soils, having a greater contaminant capacity.

A new research at the Public University of Navarre has enabled new data to be obtained on this. Stress produced by the use of exclusively ammoniacal fertilizers lead to the response mechanisms of various plant species. The use of nitrate over years favors sensitivity or even toxicity to ammonium has been revealed by the studies carried out to date on alternative to the use of nitrate as fertilizer.

Via: Science Daily

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