Q#6: What Slowed Ozone Hole Recovery?

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It may take 15 years longer to recover from the age old injuries than anticipated. It’s the gaping hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica. But, the question is – who or what is the culprit that is decelerating the recovery of the ozone hole? Old refrigerators and cars are the ones to be blamed in the first place. The scientists warned this.

The findings
Without the ozone layer, people are more susceptible to skin cancer and eye damage. To add to this, UV rays may also harm wildlife, reduce crop yields, and damage the ocean food chain, research reveals.

It is found that ozone-depleting chemicals are still emitted in the U.S. and Canada.
Measurements taken also indicate that the U.S. and Canada are responsible for 7 to 45 percent of the global emissions of various ozone-depleting substances.

The Effects
* 20 years ago (prior to finding a hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica), it was predicted chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used in refrigerators and car air conditioners would damage the ozone layer.

* Two years after, in 1987 the ozone hole was detected. Then many nations around the world agreed under the Montreal Protocol to phase out the production of ozone-depleting chemicals.

* But new research shows that the recovery may be delayed, perhaps until 2065.

“We believed the U.S. was no longer emitting a significant amount of chlorofluorocarbon containing compounds. That’s not the case.” — Paul Newman, an atmospheric scientist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland

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