Photo Gallery: 6 most peculiar Sea Animals found in 2006

Let’s find out what most amazing creatures our researchers have discovered round this year – 2006! Here are six of the most surprising and peculiar creatures spotted by them deep under the darkness of the sea and documented on National Geographic website.

1. Amazing squid

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This squid-like creature was previously unknown, and was collected from the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Dubbed Promachoteuthis sloani, the creature was caught at 1.2 miles (3 kilometers) deep.

2. Dark Dweller: Antarctic Jellyfish

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This species was filmed in Antarctic waters during a 2006 Census of Marine Life’s expedition. It was in the dark for thousands of years covered by thick ice.

3. Jurassic Shrimp

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Scientists spotted this “Jurassic shrimp” while documenting life on undersea mountains in the Coral Sea off northeast Australia. This creature belongs to the species previously considered to have disappeared some 50 million years ago!

4. Needle in a Haystack-Isopod

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This isopod was discovered by a team while surveying waters around Antarctica.

5. Furry Crab

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Spotted on the Pacific Ocean floor, this “yeti crab” is extraordinary to the extent that a new taxonomic family had to be invented for it! It was found some 900 miles (1,500 kilometers) off Easter Island, during a deep-sea dive expedition.

6. Deepest Dweller

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Interesting about this extreme deep-sea species is that it survives not only by latching on to dead fish and other organic matter coming afloat down from above, but also by eating each other!

Photo Credit: National Geographic

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