Earthquake in California Could Cause Another Katrina in Next 50 Years!

levee system of californiaUrbanization has spread into river floodplains in many regions of US, leading to cataclysm threats to the dense population that thrive there. Scientists warn that there could be cataclysmic flooding as disastrous as after Hurricane Katrina, due to this urban spread.

Do you know even an earthquake or a moderate flood could destroy the levee system that protects towns and cities along the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers in northern California?!
This is said by Jeffrey Mount of the University of California.

Mount further said, “The probability of a catastrophic levee failure in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in the next 50 years is two in three,” on the sidelines of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual conference.

Via: Physorg

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