Cancerous Dye Used For Coloring Food!

We have heard of diseases caused by malnutrition or food crisis. But, dying slowly and silently consuming our most nutritious and favorite food! That exactly what is happening with our food and drink we are consuming everyday. No! no problem with their nutrition value, but the bright and attractive artificial colors used generally to catch our eyes. Traces of Sudan 1, the cancer-causing dye is found in food and drink using a particular artificial coloring, as the Food Standards Agency informed. Its naturally shocking but need to be informed of, — that Sudan 1 is usually found in red dyes used for oils, waxes, petrol and polishes. It is usually created as a by-product while manufacturing the Sunset Yellow coloring used in many food and drinks, doesn’t matter if the food is sold well because of their nutrition value alone! No taking chances in business over risking the consumers’ health. That must be the motto of the food and drink sellers.

Via: Daily Mail

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