Artist morphs discarded TV remote controls into an infrared light sculpture

Artist morphs discarded TV remote controls into an infrared light sculpture

The rapid pace of innovation renders stuff, which we once considered as the most high-tech and a technological marvel, as ineffective – or, something that now need a serious makeover to keep up with the latest trend. Particularly, those TV remote controls, which you can now see bedecking landfills or trash bins, owe their extermination to shaky fingers or the presence of technologically more advanced smartphones that have or are just going to replace them soon.

Artist morphs discarded TV remote controls into an infrared light sculpture 2

A London-based artist Chris Shen retrieved 625 outdated or discontinued TV remote controls off the landfills and morphed them into a huge TV. Shen utilized the small infrared LEDs from TV remotes to create Infra, a 625-pixel monochromatic screen. Moreover, since Shen is a seasoned programmer, he created his own code to control LED firing. When viewed through special glasses, which you generally use to make infrared light visible, you could actually see recognizable images – within infrared spectrum though.

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