3 Teas Sure to Boost Your Health and Happiness

You may not have heard of Okakura Kakuzo, a 19-century Japanese scholar, or his famous The Book of Tea, but in it, he writes something very profound. Kakuzo said, “Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage,” and he couldn’t have been more correct. What began as medicine centuries ago for many ailments has morphed into a favored beverage throughout the world; only to go back to medicinal uses in the 21st century. Here are three teas that are tasty and good for you at the same time.

1.     Green Tea


According to Medical News Today, green tea has numerous health benefits, but you already knew that, didn’t you? What you might not know is that scientists believe that one reason why Asian nations suffer from fewer instances of lung cancer than other smoking nations is that green tea helps prevent the growth of cancer cells. Green tea also boosts brain activity and may fend off Alzheimer’s disease.

2.     Jasmine Tea

 combat agingJasmine tea is another powerhouse filled with antioxidants that combat aging. The tea leaves with which the jasmine blooms are blended and the blooms themselves have medicinal properties. The Japanese living in Okinawa drink a combination of green and jasmine teas to boost the anti-aging effects, and jasmine also eases stress through its pleasant odor. Many attribute jasmine tea to youthfulness.

3.     Rooibos Tea

Rooibos TeaRooibos tea, also known as redbush tea, is packed with antioxidant properties ready to fight against illness and aging. Studies show that rooibos tea, which is harvested from a South African plant, has almost as many health benefits as green tea. Those who use ziip pods to get away from cigarettes should consider boosting their health further by adding rooibos tea as a daily beverage.

These are only three of numerous teas and herbal remedies designed to boost your health. If you are already a tea drinker, consider mixing it up with new blends that enhance your immune system and cellular function. If you don’t drink tea, consider adding the age-old beverage to your daily routine. Your taste buds, body, and brain will be happy you did.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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