10 Times More Cleaning-Up Cost Needed for Great Lakes Than US Now Spends: Report Estimates

the great lakes

Invasive species, habitat loss and sediments laden with toxic chemicals put the Great Lakes under environmental threats. Though already, some of the most egregious polluters have cleaned up their acts, the lakes remain under threat from more if these insidious problems. The Great Lakes need a lot of help, and they are mentioned in a report released that lays out a long list of steps to reverse the trend and restore the lakes to good health. The experts estimate in the report that over the next five years the cost of recovery will be at around $20 billion. The expenses are mostly to upgrade sewage systems that discharge into the lakes, and to restore wetlands and streams. Since, that sum is about 10 times what the US now spends on the Great Lakes; will the wish of the team of experts remain a dream?

Via: New Scientist

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