Throne of Nerds: Discarded keyboard throne by Mike DeWolfe

Throne of Nerds Discarded keyboard throne by Mike DeWolfe

For a gadget lover, owning a throne such as one pictured above is more like a dream that has just come true. Though it won’t allow your gizmo fancies to surpass you’ve had any thus far, it will force you think about those redundant spare keyboards that deserve a speedy rescue for sure. Created by Mike DeWolfe, the Throne of Nerds is entirely fashioned out of discarded computer keyboards.

Obvious Winner notes that the geeky throne utilizes 20+ computer keyboards mounted to a chair. In order to ensure that keyboards follow the form of the chair, he melted and wrapped them around the chair.

Mike, the Canadian computer programmer, says:

The keyboard warping includes the scorching of almost all of the ESC keys to symbolize how impossible it can be escape suffering and blackness. The only key that is consciously left undamaged is the ESC key on the highest positioned keyboard.

Throne of Nerds Discarded keyboard throne by Mike DeWolfe 2 Throne of Nerds Discarded keyboard throne by Mike DeWolfe 3 Throne of Nerds Discarded keyboard throne by Mike DeWolfe 4

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